Our dedicated maintenance team has been hard at work throughout January to ensure the course remains in top condition for your enjoyment. Here’s what we’ve accomplished:
- Completion of fungicide spraying to control disease attacks in current weather conditions.
- Tree trimming at H10, H21, H24, and H25 to enhance playability and visibility.
- Spraying of insecticide on greens to prevent worm infestation.
- New bunker sand was added at the back of Green 3 for improved playability.
- Herbicide application around the waterfall greens to prevent foreign grass invasion.
Upcoming Works:
- Ongoing maintenance and clearing activities will continue as scheduled.
- Green renovation and drainage improvements will be carried out on Valley Nine to enhance course conditions.
- Rough height adjustment from 3 inches to 2.5 inches for a fairer playing experience.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we carry out these essential maintenance activities. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible golfing experience. Thank you for your continued support.