Our dedicated maintenance team has been hard at work throughout December to ensure the course remains in top condition for your enjoyment. Here’s what we’ve accomplished:
1. Spraying of fungicide to control disease attacks due to high rainfall.
2. Trimming of overgrown trees at H20, H22, and H24 alongside the buggy track to avoid unforeseen circumstances due to strong winds and heavy rain.
3. Application of nematicide on all greens to prevent nematode attacks, which are more prevalent in high humidity conditions.
4. Completion of subsoil drainage works at the front of Green 13. a. Removed the top 2 to 3 inches of black soil.
b. Removed old, corrugated pipes and chipping stones covered with natural minerals and rust that have been blocking water flow.
c. Replaced with new corrugated pipes and a new layer of aggregates.
d. Covered with a layer of fresh sand and closed turf with grass.
On 1 January, some of our greens were infested by worms, which caused noticeable damage. To address the issue, additional insecticide treatment was applied immediately.
Upcoming works:
1. The greens will be thinned, top-dressed, and fertilised to encourage healthy growth in order to restore playing conditions.
2. Course preparation for upcoming golf tournaments, Club Championship 2025 and Champion of Champions.
3. The height of the rough will be increased from 2.5 to 3 inches for the Club Championship 2025.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we carry out these essential maintenance activities. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible golfing experience. Thank you for your continued support.