When playing a game of golf, it is vital to consider other players. Fellow golfers should play at a prompt pace throughout their rounds by taking into consideration the time taken to prepare for and to make each stroke, to move from one place to another place between strokes, and to move to the next teeing area after completing a hole.
Players should prepare in advance for their next stroke and be ready to play when it is their turn. It is recommended that players make the stroke in no more than 40 seconds after being able to play without interference or distraction.
For players with buggies on track, it is advisable to bring two or three clubs along when approaching shots after tee-off. This will help them make the stroke within the suggested time, rather than walking back to the buggy to change their clubs.
As per Golf Rules sect 18.2A, a player is allowed three (3) minutes to search for his or her ball. In failure to do so within the stipulated time, the ball is considered lost. There will be times when players search for balls in the penalty area in the middle of play, holding up the group behind. In this case, it is advisable to allow the faster group to play through first.
As part of general golf regulations worldwide, one-ball or two-ball players have no standing during peak hour tee-times. This is to avoid holding up flights behind when there are less available slots. Players are encouraged to join the three-ball or four-ball flight so that each group can play according to the pace of play timing for each hole.
One-ball, two-ball and players without handicap are encouraged to play during non-peak hours so that they may enjoy their rounds should there be an available tee time. Utilisation of the course is solely upon management’s decision at the related time and day. At all times, players on buggies will have priority over walking golfers.
Golfers without valid handicaps are encouraged to obtain their handicap from the club. This will give them the opportunity to learn and understand the general rules and regulations of golf especially local rules when playing golf during the handicap test. Playing golf according to rules will help to speed up play, or at least keep up the pace of play. Having a valid handicap benefits the golfer as playing in tournaments requires handicaps certified by the World Handicap System by USGA. It also helps to determine one’s ability in the game of golf.