Eco Clinic Health Screening

Save the hassle of travelling into the city centre to have your annual health check up and do it right here at Meru Valley Resort. Meru Eco Clinic now offers health screening packages with consultation by our in-house doctor from Mondays – Fridays (8am-5pm) and Saturdays (8am-12pm). Kindly contact 05 529 3307 to enquire or to book an appointment. 

Package A – RM50 (Members)     RM65 (Guests) 

  1. Full Blood Examination 
  2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 
  3. Peripheral Blood Film (PBF) 
  4. Fasting Blood Sugar 
  5. Renal Function Test 
  6. Phosphate 
  7. Calcium 
  8. Liver Function Test 
  9. Lipid Profile 
  10. Urine FEME 
  11. HbA1c 

Package B – RM65 (Members)     RM80 (Guests) 

  1. Full Blood Examination 
  2. Renal Function Test 
  3. Liver Function Test 
  4. Fasting Blood Sugar 
  5. Lipid Profile 
  6. Urine FEME 
  7. ABO & Rhesus 
  8. RPR (Syphilis) 
  9. TPHA (If RPR Reactive) 
  10. Hepatitis B (Ag & Ab) 
  11. TSH 
  12. Rheumatoid Factor 
  13. HbA1c 

Package C – RM80 (Members)     RM95 (Guests) 

  1. Full Blood Examination 
  2. Renal Function Test 
  3. Liver Function Test 
  4. Fasting Blood Sugar 
  5. Lipid Profile 
  6. Urine FEME 
  7. ABO & Rhesus 
  8. RPR (Syphilis) 
  9. TPHA (If RPR Reactive) 
  10. Hepatitis B (Ag & Ab) 
  11. TSH 
  12. Rheumatoid Factor 
  13. HIV 1 & 2 (Ag & Ab) 
  14. Hepatitis A Antibody 
  15. Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) 
  16. HbA1c 

Add On Test – RM14/ per test 

  1. Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 
  2. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 
  3. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) 
  4. CA 125 
  5. CA 15-3 
  6. C-Reactive Protein 
  7. Urine Microalbumin 
  8. Helicobacter Pylori Antibody 

Add On Test – RM28/ per test 

  1. Ferritin/Serum 
  2. VIT B12 (Cobalamin) 
  3. Free T4 
  4. Free T3 
  5. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 
  6. Special Tests 
  7. Covid-19 Neutralizing Antibody – RM 58 
  8. Quantitative Covid-19 IgG Antibody Test – RM60 
  9. Electrocardiogram (ECG) – RM40

*Price for packages inclusive of blood taking procedure and consultation